Workforce Pipeline Solutions
A National Industry Pipeline Initiative

EduSerc works with a number of corporations and other local businesses to strengthen talent pipeline for their industries.

EduSerc provides on-boarding training, technical skill development and orientation kickoffs for new hires.

EduSerc develops corporate internship programs for youth and other potential candidates to a business.

EduSerc works with a number of corporations and other local businesses to strengthen talent pipeline for their industries.
Workforce Innovators is a pipeline initiative within EduSerc to identify, design, enhance and sustain training-based solutions for corporations to recruit and retain their quality talent. As an educational organization for over 20 years, EduSerc’s core competencies are the development of educational content, technical training and implementation of leadership / mentoring programs.
As a career and professional development training organization with a growing
network of educators and industry professionals dedicated to industry pipeline growth from K-12 and collegiate environments to Corporate America and the general workforce, our Workforce Innovators Services yields talent that produce creative and innovative results for their respective industries.
Our main services within Workforce Innovators are:
Corporate Leadership / Diversity Consulting
Technical and Leadership Development Training
Mentor / Mentee Program Development
Pipeline Recruitment Investment Programs
Educational Benefit Packages for Employees & Their Families
About Workforce Pipeline Solutions
A National Industry Pipeline Initiative
Workforce Solutions Clients

Incorporate a customized corporate training program that adequately prepares each candidate walking in the door or enhance the quality of your current hiring practices.
Sample Offerings
Communication Techniques
Networking Strategies
Leadership Development
Presentation Skills
Management Techniques
Mentor-Mentee Programs

Workforce Service Categories

Consulting Services
Engage our consultants to improve your on-boarding, training, mentoring, diversity or career development needs of your employees.

Training Offerings
Select from a list of technical, managerial and employee training offerings. EduSerc can customize any level of content and training as needed.

Employee Educational Benefit Programs
Offer additional benefits to your employees to help their personal growth and educational impact for their children.
Contact Us
Reach out to us to schedule a consultation or learn more about our training programs we can design for your corporation or business.
EduSerc Office: (301) 498-2899
Email: info@eduserc.org