Coming May 5, 2018 - The Educators Serving the Community Awards at the Warner Theatre in Washington

Coming to the Nation's Capitol in May 2018, The Educators Serving the Community Awards (A.K.A. The EduSerc Awards) is making its way to the Warner Theatre and will be reaching out to communities to honor the impact of education around the country and beyond! Since 2004, this taped for TV show has served as a national red carpet, black-tie ceremony & fundraiser (hosted like the Emmys or the Oscars) that honors the great educational achievements of individuals, educators, organizations and companies and promotes a positive image for educators in our country. This year, the event is expected to have a record turnout as it plans to highlight the value of education in every state in the country.
On Saturday, May 5th near the beginning of National Teacher Appreciation Week in 2018, this event will be hosted in Washington D.C. at one of the most luxurious theatres in the city, The Warner Theatre. The Warner Theatre seats 1847 people with a beautiful VIP lounge, premium box seats with food and beverage service and serves as a home to many national and international recording artists, plays and television performances. As many venues have welcomed the EduSerc Awards in the past, the Warner Theatre serves as a perfect location to showcase the best that education has to offer in our country as the show raises money to support educational concerns in the country.

EduSerc (which stands for "Educators Serving the Community") serves as the hosting organization of the ceremony and was founded in 1996 for the development and advancement of youth in communities in the country. As time has continued, EduSerc's vision has grown to positively impact education in communities where there has been a need for growth and improvement. As a way to honor those that have help him become successful, the founder of this ceremony, Brian K. Smith, has made it possible to allow everyone in the country and beyond to have a venue to honor individuals and organizations that have been influential to their success, while raising funds to continue making an impact for the next generation in the process.
The ceremony doesn't only recognize teachers or educators associated with public or private education. Since education is not as traditional and is more dynamic, the event is designed to expand the horizon of what it means to be an educator by recognizing programs, colleges, organizations, corporate initiatives and other areas that contribute to the educational impact in our communities. What makes this ceremony unique is that it sends a message to the community that incorporating public service into your career is essential to understanding the needs of those around you. This event attempts to give a voice to those that may not normally have a platform to showcase their value.
Unlike the Emmys, Oscars or other award shows, most people that impact the country in the area of education and community service and deserve the exposure are not widely known on a national scale. It is very common to hear about the negative things happening in communities across our country, but not always the positive things that can change it for the better. This has always served as an important focus for Smith as he continues to inform his community and others about opportunities that typically go unnoticed.

Individuals and/or entities can register and submit an application to elect to be honored for their accomplishments. However, schools and/or organizations that register will receive national exposure for their impact and an opportunity to receive funding towards the implementation of industry-based programs for their school population. Individuals and entities that become EduSerc Awards nominees will receive national press coverage and tickets to attend the EduSerc Awards ceremony in Washington D.C. at the Warner Theatre on May 5, 2018. Winners of awards may receive additional support and recognition based upon their impact and interest in sponsors around the country that are impressed with your impact. The ceremony's goal is to sustain positive efforts in education through the awareness, exposure and promotion of the great people and programs that address the needs of our community involving education.
The Process: Registration to Submit Your an Application for 2018 Opens May 15, 2017
Individual/Entity registration begins May 15, 2017 through August 31, 2017 to identify individuals and organizations that have established impact and results in the community to be selected as potential nominees in the Fall. In the Fall, formal nominations will begin until December 2017 and public promotion and voting will occur on January 15, 2018 - March 1, 2018.
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