EduSerc is hosting the Serc Tank ("Shark Tank") Entrepreneurship Competition for Local Hig

Similar to ABC’s hit show Shark Tank that yields upcoming entrepreneurs, SERC Tank is EduSerc’s version of the famous competition, where students will have an opportunity to present a business idea to a panel of successful business owners / managers for the opportunity to win funding, supplies or other resources to help them start their idea. However, the twist in the competition is that each product idea or service must be able to address a direct need in the community or help solve a problem in community.
The competition is a part of the Annual Career and Professional Development Conference hosted by Microsoft on April 6 - 7, 2017 at the Microsoft Mid-Atlantic District Conference Center in Chevy Chase, MD. EduSerc has been hosting a unique form of this competition since 2003 at its first event at the Baltimore Convention Center. Based upon the need to showcase innovation, EduSerc is promoting the value of critical thinking and creativity when it comes to growing a business.
Open to any middle or high school to participate, each school can register up to 3 teams (4 people per team) to participate and compete. Each team must develop the following:
Business Plan Overview (30 points): a brief two (2) page abstract that addresses the business concept, the product, how the business will be setup and managed, and who would be your potential customers.
Marketing Research and Projected Sales (20 points): a brief one page that describes the research you performed that proves your concept will work successfully and an outline of projected sales you will make with your business.
Infomercial (20 points): a brief 30 - 60 second marketing video commercial that sells your product. If you have a logo designed for your product or service, please ensure to use it in your video. (Submit online at
A Working Prototype (30 points) (or simulated example that your concept works, if you are promoting a service)
Special prize categories will range from areas covering the following:
Most Innovative Product or Service
Most Successful Business Model
Best Sales/Marketing Presentation
Download the Business Competition Information
Click Here to Download the Serc Tank Packet and Worksheets Template for the Competition
Team Submission Deadline: March 24, 2017 online at
Registration for the Annual Career and Professional Development Conference is only $45 per day including lunch (or $85 for both days). Visit for more information and to register your school to attend.
If you are interested in receiving help to find sponsors for your school to attend or interested in sponsoring a school to participate, please contact our offices at (301) 498-2899 or email
Below is a gallery of past winners and participants in EduSerc's Serc Tank and Business Competitions: