April 11, 2024
11am - 5pm
Hosted and Sponsored by
Mid-Atlantic Arlington - Commonwealth Tower
1300 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209
Innovations Showcase / Pipeline Expo
(Thursday, April 11, 2024)
College / Nonprofits
Display information about your educational programs and offerings to help students gain access to resources in their pipeline. Bring scholarship information and recruit students for your cause or university.
Showcase your company’s product for educators, youth and other stakeholders in technology at the convention. This is your opportunity for exposure and to test your products.
In addition, the EduSerc ACPDC is the best place to identify quality talent for the future workforce! What makes our event unique from all other conferences is the standard for professional excellence portrayed at our events through our youth.
What other better place is there to showcase your technology than at the Annual Career and Professional Development Conference hosted by Microsoft!
Display your school's talented youth and special innovative projects at the Innovations Showcase. Your school's most innovative solution can win a prize at the convention!
Colleges / Nonprofits: $150
Businesses/Corporate: $250
Middle/High School: FREE
Included with your registration is the following:
1 table (6’ x 30”)
2 convention registrations
Showcase / Expo Time: 11:30am - 3pm
(NOTE: It is recommended to occupy your table to capture traffic between workshops)
SETUP Date: Thursday, 9:30am - 11am
Breakdown: Thursday, 3pm - 4pm
Corporate Sponsors