Membership Overview
As an EduSerc member, you will gain access to the various amenities of this space for your activities and supported educational uses.
Individual $35/year
Nonprofit/School $150/year
Business $350/year
Listing in the Educators Serving the Community Directory
Access to renting at the ECC
Access to telecommuting spaces at the ECC (as available)
Opportunities to receive FREE resources, materials and educational tools
Access to FREE career and professional development training
Access to FREE training/school resources for teachers, schools and youth
Access to FREE professional networking events and industry training
Discounts (10% - 15%) with various members in the community
...and the list continues. This list continues to grow quarterly. Stay turned for more.
Membership Benefit
Join and receive one (1) FREE room rental at the facility*
* applies to smaller conference rooms
Interested in Developing or
Becoming a part of an Industry Pipeline?
WPDC Pipeline Membership (
(EduSerc's Workforce Pipeline Development Council )
Individual Pipeline - $600/year
Nonprofit/School - $1200/year (includes 2 educators)
Business - $350/year + ______# of Individual pipeline memberships (i.e. youth, college students) - Minimum of 1 is required
(For example, if a company wants to sponsor one student, then the membership fee is $350 + (1 student x $50/month x 12months) = $950 annually
Benefits (same as general, but more):
Access to FREE monthly career and professional development training
Admission to the Annual Career and Professional Development Conference (hosted by Microsoft in April)
Marketing logo on EduSerc materials
Help us Celebrate 20 years!
Confirm your support for the organization and become an official member!
A Project of Community Support
The mission of the EduSerc Convention Center (ECC) is to provide an advanced facility for industry traning and interactive learning for the whole community.
With the support of over 26 major companies and various local nonprofits, the ECC Project will be the new way to serve the community. Your support is essential to ensuring the viability of many local efforts that serve youth in the Baltimore - Washington D.C. corridor and beyond.
Pledge Your Support
Join us by pledging your support to complete a facility that will serve as a new paradigm for community service. Imagine a place where educators, youth, nonprofits and businesses can grow, learn and invest in their career and professional development initiatives. Imagine a facility that breaks down barriers for finding a location to host training and educational activities. Imagine a place where all proceeds benefit youth-based programs in the community.
Corporate Sponsors
City of Laurel