Serving on our Board of Directors means investing in the short and long term growth of your industry. EduSerc’s programs are driven by industry concerns. Therefore, our reach in the community with expertise and input from your industry will be the ingredients for success.
Direct Industry Benefit & Investment
Once you join EduSerc’s board, you will begin to collaborate with our partners and members to develop and promote programs in your industry. EduSerc serves as an extended arm of your own personal or corporate industry initiative. Our efforts are reflective of the support from our board.
Primary Role
An EduSerc Board of Director advises, directs and supports the goals and objectives of the organization and helps build a strong strategic, financial and programmatic foundation for its initiatives.
An EduSerc Board Advisor provides guidance, consulting advice and instruction for the organization. They also provide evidence-based research to help build new industries or business ares within the organization.
There are three (3) eligibility requirements to becoming a board of director or advisor.
Industry / Academic
If representing a company, candidate must represent a corporation that promotes workforce development and corporate diversity in a specific career industry (ie. engineering, finance, medicine)
If representing a school, school system or college, candidate must represent a research or evidence based need for their institution or school system
Must represent an organization that has a regional or national reach for its market (company representatives only)
Must have prior knowledge or have participated in some way with EduSerc’s programs for one year. (except for newly formed affiliates of EduSerc)
Participate in all quarterly meetings (in person or via conference call)
Support the organization to raise, earn, receive or be granted a minimum contribution of $5,000 annually
Recruit one additional company per year to join the affiliate board of directors you currently serve
Market EduSerc internally to other executives and other community interests for partnerships
Promote attendance and support for EduSerc’s programs and services to the community
Network EduSerc with other companies in other areas to build another EduSerc Affiliate
Promote the value of sponsorship of programs to other organizations / corporations

Board Roles
National Board of Directors
The NBOD is made up of all board chairpersons of each Affiliate Board of Directors and the Executive Director.
Affiliate Board of Directors
The ABOD of each region or location is to advise, direct and support the goals and objectives of the organization and help build a strong strategic, financial and programmatic foundation for its initiatives.
Strategically: via consulting and advising through planning meetings quarterly
Financially: provide support that would result in a minimum of $5,000 contribution to the organization for the year for programs and/or other related items (eg. contributions, grants, training opportunities, sponsorship, volunteers to help w/ fundraising, etc.)
Programmatically: resource-based support via attendance, volunteering or other methods
Affiliate Executive Board
The AEB of each region or location is to execute, manage and track the goals and objectives of the organization (made up of hired / volunteered staff).
National Executive Board
The NEB is made up of all affiliate directors of each Affiliate Executive Board and the Executive Director.
Board Meetings
Q1 February - Annual Stakeholders’ Meeting
An open meeting for all EduSerc members, sponsors and stakeholders to recruit new members & sponsors and to promote the goals and objectives of the incoming year. Topics discussed are the previous year’s performance, annual report and future plans for the New Year.
Q2 May - Academic Program Review Meeting
A Board of Directors meeting w/ schools system, local college officials and stakeholders to discuss incorporation of academic concerns w/ EduSerc’s programs (conferences, awards, etc…). Topics discussed are related to the current performance of EduSerc’s programs within the current school year and items for partnerships with local schools.
Q3 August - Summer Review and Corporate Planning Meeting
A Board of Directors meeting to discuss summer impact and planned initiatives for the new school year for resources, funding, etc… Topics discussed are EduSerc’s summer initiatives, corporate involvement with upcoming programs (conference, awards, etc..) and community partnership development for the new year.
Q4 November - Annual Strategic Planning Meeting
A Board of Directors meeting w/ EduSerc staff and leaders to discuss strategic plans for the incoming year, discuss sponsorship levels and benefits.