Academic Enrichment / Tutoring
EduSerc's academic training sessions and tutors concentrate on one major focus: mastery. Our consultants are far more than tutors. We attempt to determine the constraints that may be hindering a student's capacity to learn a topic and help them understand, learn, practice and study a topic until they've mastered it.
We offer one-on-one sessions or group-based activities. Leverage our sessions to help you reach your true potential.
Sign-up: Click below to learn more and register

Math Tutoring
The Fall Schedule is open for after school and Saturday morning tutoring. Contact us below to schedule.
One-on-One Tutoring: $40/hour in 4(2-hour block sessions)
Group Academic Training: Varies upon number of students. Contact us to learn more.

Group-based training that provides a fun, interactive and deeper understanding of an academic subject
Academic Therapy
"Training Your Brain to Learn Anything"
EduSerc’s Academic Therapy goes beyond tutoring!
Our model helps you to discover the mental blocks that prohibit your ability to learn a particular subject and trains you to redefine your perception so that you can master any subject with ease.
On November 22, 2021, sign-up for a one-on-one session to learn how to master math.
2-hour session: Discover your learning block and master a topic
(4) 2-hour sessions: Master a whole math class in a day
…or take the full online Academic Therapy Course starting opening
on January 3, 2022 that steps you through the three phases of retraining your brain for any subject you have to take.

Current Subjects in Academic Therapy:
Algebra Geometry Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Pre-Calculus Calculus

Ashton Foston for EduSerc Customer Testimonial Videos

Christian Harris EduSerc Customer Testimonial Videos

Testimony from McKenzie on Math and Counting Coins with EduSerc

Schedule One-on-One or Group Tutoring
EduSerc's tutoring sessions are far different from most as we take time to understand and analyze your child's learning style before helping them master a subject. Some of the main reasons why students need tutoring is because of either distractions, interest in the subject or teacher, stress from home or school, negative comments about a topic used as excuses or visual perceptions of the subject altogether.
EduSerc works to figure these things out and teaches the student "how to learn" using their learning style. Once this occurs, we can help your child on the pathway to straight A's in all of their classes. Tutoring begins at $40/hour.
Contat Us About One-on-One Tutoring